My resources

“My-resources” brings great features allowing users to make Exegol their own and customize it even further. This feature relies on a simple volume shared between the host and all exegol containers, and an advanced integration in the Exegol images directly.


The “my-resources” feature will do what it’s told to do. If users choose to use that feature to replace files or configuration, those replacements should take place. So if there are some additions to Exegol you’re not getting, it could be because you have a “my-resources” setup that replaces it.

To learn more about the volume options, details are available here.

Below are the features offered by “My-resources”, allowing users to extend Exegol beyond what is initially included (tools, resources).

  • Custom tools: users can place their own custom standalone tools, binaries and scripts in the “my-resources” volume. This volume is accessible from all containers at /opt/my-resources.

  • Supported setups: users can customize their exegol environments automatically and transparently without having to manually setting things up for each and every new Exegol container they create. In this functionality, a pre-set list of supported custom configuration is set, and will improve with time. It’s the easier and most user-friendly approach to customizing a few configurations.

  • User setup: In this functionality, a shell script can be populated with every command a user wishes its containers to run at their creation.

Custom tools

See also

Available from version 3.0.0 of any exegol image.

In the container, the /opt/my-resources/bin/ folder (~/.exegol/my-resources/bin/ on the host) is automatically added to the PATH of the zsh shell. The user can then add tools in that folder in order to use them from the container.


The most simple approach would be to add standalone binaries, but users could also add symbolic links that would point to somewhere else in /opt/my-resources/.

# Example for a standalone binary
cp /path/to/tool ~/.exegol/my-resources/bin/

# Example for a symbolic link
git -C ~/.exegol/my-resources/ clone ""
ln -s ~/.exegol/my-resources/sometool/ ~/.exegol/my-resources/bin/

Supported setups

Configuration files stored in the /opt/my-resources/setup/ directory will be deployed on the containers and allow users to customize Exegol even further. By default, the number of officially supported configuration files is limited, and it depends on the version of the image itself, not the wrapper.


In order to see what configuration files are supported in your version, the /opt/ documentation file can be read from any container.

This documentation will reference in detail all the supported customizations available over time, and the corresponding minimum image version required for each one.

If a user wants to deploy tools and configurations that are not supported, or more advanced, they can opt for the User setup solution.

apt (packages, sources, keys)

See also

Available from version 3.0.0 of any exegol image.

A system exists to easily install arbitrary APT packages in any new exegol container.

  • Custom APT repositories can be added in exegol by filling in the /opt/my-resources/setup/apt/sources.list file

  • Importing custom repositories usually requires importing GPG keys as well, which can be done by entering trusted GPG keys download URLs in the /opt/my-resources/setup/apt/keys.list file

  • To install APT packages automatically (after updating the repository including the custom ones), just enter a list of package names in the /opt/my-resources/setup/apt/packages.list file

bloodhound (customqueries, config)

See also

Available from version 3.1.0 of the ad and full images.

A system exists to easily add one or several bloodhound customqueries files, or change its configuration file in any new exegol container.

To automatically:

  • overwrite the ~/.config/bloodhound/config.json configuration file, simply create the file /opt/my-resources/setup/bloodhound/config.json

  • replace the default exegol customqueries, place one or several valid customqueries files into the folder /opt/my-resources/setup/bloodhound/customqueries_replacement/.

  • merge with the default exegol customqueries by placing one or several valid customqueries files into the folder /opt/my-resources/setup/bloodhound/customqueries_merge/


To be considered for replacing or merging, the customqueries files must be valid and bear the .json extension. The file names do not matter. The output will be saved into the single file ~/.config/bloodhound/customqueries.json.

firefox (addons, CA)

See also

Available from version 3.0.2 of any exegol image.

A system exists to easily install arbitrary firefox addons in any new exegol container.

The /opt/my-resources/setup/firefox/addons.txt file allows the user to list addons to install from online sources. It must be filled with their links in Mozilla’s shop (for example ).

The .xpi files in /opt/my-resources/setup/firefox/addons/ folder will be installed as well.

See also

Below, available from version 3.2.0 of any exegol image.

The .der files in /opt/my-resources/setup/firefox/CA/ folder will be trusted .

python3 (pip3)

See also

Available from version 3.0.0 of any exegol image.

A system exists to easily install arbitrary PIP3 packages in any new exegol container.

The /opt/my-resources/setup/python3/requirements.txt file allows the user to list a set of packages to install with constraints just like a classic requirements.txt file.

tmux (conf)

See also

Available from version 3.0.0 of any exegol image.

Exegol supports overloading its tmux configuration to allow all users to use their personal configuration.

  • To automatically overwrite the ~/.tmux.conf configuration file, simply create the file /opt/my-resources/setup/tmux/tmux.conf


It is possible to install plugins with the APT customization system, details here.

vim (vimrc, configs)

See also

Available from version 3.0.0 of any exegol image.

Exegol supports overwriting its vim configuration to allow all users to use their personal configuration.

  • To automatically overwrite the ~/.vimrc configuration file, simply create the file /opt/my-resources/setup/vim/vimrc

  • vim configuration folders are also automatically synchronized:
    • /opt/my-resources/setup/vim/autoload/* –> ~/.vim/autoload/

    • /opt/my-resources/setup/vim/backup/* –> ~/.vim/backup/

    • /opt/my-resources/setup/vim/colors/* –> ~/.vim/colors/

    • /opt/my-resources/setup/vim/plugged/* –> ~/.vim/plugged/

    • /opt/my-resources/setup/vim/bundle/* –> ~/.vim/bundle/


It is possible to install plugins with the APT customization system.

neovim (.config/nvim)

See also

Will be available from version 3.1.2 of any exegol image.

Exegol supports overwriting its neovim configuration to allow all users to use their personal configuration.

  • To automatically overwrite the ~/.config/nvim/ configuration, copy your config in /opt/my-resources/setup/nvim/


It is possible to install plugins dependencies with the APT customization system.

zsh (aliases, zshrc, history)

See also

Available from version 3.0.0 of any exegol image.

To not change the configuration for the proper functioning of exegol but allow the user to add aliases and custom commands to zshrc, additional configuration files will be automatically loaded by zsh to take into account the customization of the user .

  • aliases: any custom alias can be defined in the /opt/my-resources/setup/zsh/aliases file. This file is automatically loaded by zsh.

  • zshrc: it is possible to add commands at the end of the zshrc routine in /opt/my-resources/setup/zsh/zshrc file.

  • history: it is possible to automatically add history commands at the end of ~/.zsh_history from the file /opt/my-resources/setup/zsh/history.


It is possible to install plugins with the APT customization system, details here.

User setup

See also

Available from version 3.0.0 of any exegol image.

The /opt/my-resources/setup/ script is executed on the first startup of each new container that has the “my-resources” feature enabled. Arbitrary code can be added in this file, in order to customize Exegol (dependency installation, configuration file copy, etc).


It is strongly advised not to overwrite the configuration files provided by exegol (e.g. /root/.zshrc, /opt/.exegol_aliases, …), official updates will not be applied otherwise.


In case of problem, the customization system logs all actions in the /var/log/exegol/load_setups.log file.

If the whole installation went smoothly the log file will be compressed by gunzip and will have the name /var/log/exegol/load_setups.log.gz


Logs in .gz format can be viewed directly without unpacking them with the zcat, zgrep, zdiff or zmore command!