
This part of the documentation is meant for Exegol maintainers. It adds up to the contributors documentation.

Wrapper release


The wrapper documentation must be aligned with the wrapper features. . The docs PR can be merged once the wrapper is released.


The first step is to update the project and sub-modules, meaning pointing the exegol-images and exegol-resources sub-modules to the latest master version. Even if the wrapper is able to auto-update itself, it is always better to keep the base reference at least up to date.

  • Update current wrapper repo:

git pull
  • Update git submodules and checkout to main branch for release:

git -C exegol-docker-build checkout main
git -C exegol-docker-build pull
git -C exegol-resources checkout main
git -C exegol-resources pull


Don’t forget to reload and commit any submodule update at this step !

Local tests & build

First, test the code with mypy:

mypy --ignore-missing-imports --check-untyped-defs

You can execute this one-liner to check the project and build it.


Require build package installed!


Exegol can only be published through a source build distribution because of the source code files for building local images.

python3 clean test && \
   (rm -rf Exegol.egg-info && python3 -m build --sdist) || \
   echo "Some tests failed, check your code and requirements before publishing!"

Config reviews

  • Review exegol.config.ConstantConfig variables

    • Change version number ! (remove the alpha or beta tag at the end of the version number)

  • Review version

    • Must contain a line with the script current version in the following format: # Spawn Version:2 (without alpha or beta letter)

  • Review documentation on Exegol-docs/dev-wrapper

  • Review

  • Create PR (or put it out of draft mode)


The Pull-Request must be already created and NOT be in draft state before pushing the latest stable version.

  • Commit and push stable latest config

Review and publish

The PR is now ready to be peer-review and then merge on Github.

Once merged to master, a tag must be deploy to run the release pipeline. The github action pipeline will automatically build and publish:

Exemple to release version 4.3.5:

git checkout master
git pull
git tag -s 4.3.5 -m '4.3.5'
git push --tags

Check if the release pipeline works as expected: Release pipeline

Post deploy

  • Create new github release with new version tag

After releasing a new stable version on the wrapper, we must update the dev version to stay in a beta version

  • Fast-forward dev branch to the latest master commit:

git checkout dev
git merge master --ff-only
git push
  • Change the wrapper version on the dev branch to x.y.zb1

  • Upgrade version number to the next version build to avoid future mistake

  • Commit updates

Images release


The images documentation must be aligned with the images features. Make sure to add code to the appropriate Exegol docs branch and have a pull request ready. The docs PR can be merged once the images are released.

Prepare changes

The first step consists in preparing the dev branch for merge.

  1. create a pull request dev -> main named Release X.Y.Z (Release X.Y.ZbI is also accepted, X, Y, Z and I being numbers. Creating this pull request will trigger the pre-release workflows. The PR comment must indicate all major changes.

  2. edit the dev branch until the pull requests checks (pipeline) all pass, effectively publishing all images to the preproduction Dockerhub registry

  3. once all checks are good, the PR needs to be approved by a maintainer.

Merge changes

Once the PR is approved and ready for merge, it can be merged

  1. merge the PR with Create a merge commit

  2. Synchronize the dev branch with the latest main update with a fast-forward merge

git checkout main
git pull --all
git checkout dev
git pull --all
git merge --ff-only main
git push

New tag

The X.Y.Z (or X.Y.ZbI) tag then needs to be placed on the same commit the dev and main branches point to.

Optionally, the “Annotated Tag Message” can be set to the PR initial comment with the --file message.txt argument in the git tag command below.

git tag "X.Y.Z"
git push origin --tags

Puhing this tag will trigger the release workflow. Simply put, the workflow will migrate the images from preprod registry to production registry.

Maintainers needs to make sure workflow goes as planned and images end up in the prod Dockerhub registry. If the release fails for some reason, the tag can be deleted, changes pushed, and then the tag can be created again to trigger the release again (git tag -d "X.Y.Z" && git push --delete origin "X.Y.Z").

Publish release

The final step is to create a “release” in github (

  1. The release must point to the tag created before.

  2. The release must be named Exegol images X.Y.Z.

  3. The release notes can be created with the Generate releases notes button.

  4. Set it as latest release.

  5. Publish

CI/CD Pipeline

The Exegol project relies on a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline for multiple scenarios. At the time of writing, Tue 31 Jan 2023, the pipeline is structured as follows:

The GitHub Actions platform is used on the Exegol module. Its workflows are used for internal and external pull requests, new releases and testing on every commit. The workflows build, and push Python packages on the official PyPI registry, and run tests to make sure everything works as it should.

GitHub Actions

The GitHub Actions pipeline(s) need runners to operate the various jobs configured for each workflow. The Exegol project relies on self-hosted runners instead of the GitHub-hosted runners mainly for costing reasons.

At the time of writing, Tue 31 Jan 2023, the Exegol-images pipeline(s) require ARM64 and AMD64 runners in order to build, and run corresponding architectured images.

1. Setting up secrets

There are some operations that the runner will operate that will require authentication, including: - pushing Python packages on PyPI - pushing Docker images on Dockerhub

In order to allow this, GitHub Actions can be set up with secrets that the runner will be able to use later on. This part of the documentation shows what secrets must be set up and how.

API Tokens can be created in the maintainer account’s PyPI account settings, in the API Tokens part. The scope must be set to Project: Exegol. The tokens are linked to the personal PyPI account.

Once the token is created, it can be added as follows:

2. Deploying a runner

The runner can either run on macOS, Linux, or Windows, as those three operating systems are supporting by the GHA (GitHub Action) platform. x64 and ARM64 are supported for macOS and Windows, and for Linux, ARM is supported as well.

Below are the hardware requirements for each runner:

  • enough RAM (to be defined)

  • enough CPU (to be defined)

  • enough free disk space (at least ~100GB, bare minimum)

Before deploying a GHA agent on a runner, software requirements must be met:

  • Docker (or Docker Desktop for Windows and macOS)

  • jq (lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor)

For Linux systems, Docker is required in order to have the GitHub Actions agent running.


Docker can be installed quickly and easily with the following command-line:

curl -fsSL "" -o


To run exegol from the user environment without sudo, the user must have privileged rights equivalent to root. To grant yourself these rights, you can use the following command

# add the sudo group to the user
sudo usermod -aG docker $(id -u -n)

# "reload" the user groups

The jq utility is also required and can be installed with the following command line:

apt install jq

Once the requirements are met, the agent can be deployed as follows (with sufficient permissions in the GitHub repository):


When configuring the agent as a service, it will be enabled, meaning it will start at boot. The systemctl is-enabled command should return enabled.

sudo systemctl is-enabled actions.runner.ThePorgs-Exegol-images.<runner-name>.service

In order to start the service, either reboot the runner, or use systemctl.

sudo systemctl start actions.runner.ThePorgs-Exegol-images.<runner-name>.service
Created a new runner Configuring the runner (GitHub) Configuring the runner (Local)


Screenshots annotated with

3. Checking runners status

Go to

4. Understanding the pipelines

TODO explain the pipelines, include diagrams.

4. Common errors

1. docker login

When configuring a macOS agent as a service with ./ install, the following error was met during workflow run.

Run docker/login-action@v2
    username: ***
    password: ***
    ecr: auto
    logout: true
Logging into Docker Hub...
Error: Error saving credentials: error storing credentials - err: exit status 1, out: `error storing credentials - err: exit status 1, out: `User interaction is not allowed.``

In order to avoid that error, the runner was started interactively with ./

2. Disk space

When there’s not enough disk space, the following error is usually raised by the pipelines.

You are running out of disk space. The runner will stop working when the machine runs out of disk space. Free space left: 62 MB

Pull Requests

When handling pull requests, maintainers may need to synchronize a contributor’s fork with latests changes. In command-line, this can be achieved as follows.

git clone "" "dest_dir"
cd dest_dir
git remote add upstream ""
git fetch upstream
git checkout "TARGET_FORK_BRANCH"
git merge --no-edit upstream/"ORIGIN_BRANCH"
# solve conflicts if any
git push