This action allows to run a single command in a single container instead of loading a full interactive shell.
When this action is used it is possible to execute a command either in:
a temporary container created especially to execute the command, and automatically deleted at the end of the execution: the name of an exegol image must be provided from which a temporary container will be created
a standard Exegol container (already existing, or not): the name of an exegol container must then be provided. This container will be created in interactive mode if it does not already exist
The executed command can be executed either:
in the background mode (i.e. like a daemon): exegol terminates immediately after the command is launched and does not wait for its execution to be completed. No process is left hanging (useful when running GUI apps for instance).
in standard mode: exegol will wait for the end of the process to stop the container (and delete it if
In standard execution mode, it is possible to ask exegol to display the command output (stdout/stderr) in the terminal by adding -v
Since the exec action can also create containers, it shares the same parameters as the start action.
There are also additional parameters, unique to the exec
Option |
Description |
This option indicates the container name to use to execute the command. If the |
Single command to execute in the container. |
Executes the command in background as a daemon. |
Creates a dedicated and temporary container to execute the command. |
Command examples
# Execute the command bloodhound in the container demo:
exegol exec demo bloodhound
# Execute the command 'nmap -h' with console output in the container demo:
exegol exec -v demo 'nmap -h'
# Execute a command in background within the demo container:
exegol exec -b demo bloodhound
# Execute the command bloodhound in a temporary container based on the full image:
exegol exec --tmp full bloodhound
# Execute a command in background with a temporary container:
exegol exec -b --tmp full bloodhound
# Execute Wireshark in background, in a privileged temporary container:
exegol exec --background --tmp --privileged "nightly" "wireshark"
# Execute the command wireshark with network admin privileged:
exegol exec -b --tmp --cap NET_ADMIN full wireshark