Tips & tricks

Below are some of the tips and tricks that are good to keep in mind when using Exegol.

Change a container’s time

Changing a container’s time with date requires elevated permissions on the container, and messes up with the host’s time. There is however and alternative, using faketime (see faketime ubuntu manpage) that allows to change the time of the container easily, without needing particular permissions, without affecting the host. This is especially useful when working with Kerberos targets that are out of sync.

Faketime manipulates the system time for a given child command. For example with zsh, a new shell is opened with a spoofed time that will only be spoofed for this extact shell session and commands executed in it.

faketime 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss' zsh

The following examples automate the synchronization of a remote domain controller’s clock to initiate a corresponding zsh session.

faketime "$(rdate -n $DC_IP -p | awk '{print $2, $3, $4}' | date -f - "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" zsh
faketime "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d') $(net time -S $DC_IP | awk '{print $4}')"


Here is an example of how faketime can be used.

When doing Active Directory attacks against Kerberos targets, a clock skew error could be raised such as KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW. This means the authenticating machine (operator) and the destination (Key Distribution Center, a.k.a. KDC) are not in sync, clock-wise.

Running any Impacket with the -debug flag will print the server time. The operator can then use faketime to open a new zsh shell with the right time and timezone and conduct the scenario as previously intended.

The following command can be used to print the time in UTC format and compare it with the server time: date --utc.

Note: careful with the timezones. If they differ between the operator and the KDC, the delta needs to be taken into account

Share files or notes with targets and collaborators

The following tools or commands can be used to pop a temporary file or http server: updog, goshs, http-server, http-put-server, ftp-server,

In order to shares notes during an engagement, trilium ( can be used.

Dynamic history commands

Many commands in the pre-filled history rely on environment variables such as $DOMAIN, $USER, $PASSWORD, etc. Those variables can be set manually or by using the file in /opt/tools/Exegol-history/. The proper lines can be filled and uncommented, and then the shell can be reloaded with exec zsh in order to apply the changes. This allows users to easily look for, and use, commands in the history, without changing the values every time.

The best reverse shells

  • shellerator can be used to generate a reverse shell command dynamically

  • on the attacker’s side, a reverse shell obtained through a netcat tunnel can be improved (see or

  • simple alternative way to have an upgrade netcat reverse shell: use rlwrap <netcat listener command>

  • instead of using netcat and “upgrade” the shell manually, pwncat-cs (calebstewart/pwncat) can be used to obtain an even better reverse shell experience (especially with UNIX-like targets).

Keyboard shortcuts

  • ctrl+q: when writing a command, let’s say a user misses an information (e.g. IP address). The shortcut can be used to save the half-typed command, look for the value, and then finish the command. The user doesn’t have to cancel the command, look for the info, and write the command all over again. This is known as the push-line feature (see

  • ctrl + r: look for something in the history

  • ctrl + t: look for a file or directory with a fuzzy finder

  • ctrl + a: move to the beginning of the line

  • ctrl + e: move to the end of the line

  • ctrl + : move one word backward

  • ctrl + : move one word forward

  • ctrl + l: clear the screen

Useful aliases


To see every alias in your exegol image, run the command:



You can see the complete command configured for an alias with the command:

alias <alias_name>


Some aliases are not available before image 3.1.5.

Here’s a list of useful aliases designed to save you time:


  • ws: Shortcut to cd /workspace

  • _: Shortcut to sudo

  • xcopy: Copy a file to clipboard

  • xpaste: Create a file from clipboard

  • xshow: Print clipboard

  • sed-empty-line: Removes empty lines

  • sed-comment-line: Removes commented lines

  • history-dump: Export full history of commands with date and time of execution

Quick service

  • http-put-server: Python web server put capable

  • http-server: Shortcut to classic Python web server

  • php-server: Server a PHP webserver on current directory using port 8080

Tools optimization

  • hcat: Automatic hashcat format solver with fuzzy finder wordlist

  • hjohn: Automatic john the ripper format solver with fuzzy finder wordlist

  • scan-range: Nmap shortcut to find host in a specified network range

  • nse: Find nmap NSE script

  • urlencode: Encodes arguments in URL format

  • urldecode: Decodes arguments from URL format