info action

The info action aims at displaying all the information specific to the Exegol project on the current system. This action can also be used by targeting a specific container to display its configuration in detail.

Depending on the verbosity level specified in the command-line, the information displayed will be more or less detailed accordingly.

exegol info
  • List of available Exegol Images

    • Name of the image

    • Size of each image (disk space if the image is installed, otherwise its compressed size to download for installation)

    • Status of each image

      • Not installed (Image available for download from dockerhub)

      • Up to date (The latest version of the image is installed and ready to be used)

      • Update available (A new version is available for download on dockerhub)

      • Outdated (Old version of an image that has been updated since)

      • Local image (Locally built image)

      • Discontinued (if your image is no longer available on dockerhub)

  • List of Exegol Containers

    • Name of each container

    • Container status (Stopped or running)

    • Image name (Exegol image used as a base to create the container)

    • Configurations (Display of non-default configurations)


The info action does not have many parameters, its use is relatively simple. This action can either be used to gather general information (available images, containers, user configs, etc.), or gather information about a specific container and display its configuration.




Optional positional argument to indicate the container tag of which to display the configuration.

Global options can still be used, like for any action.



-h, --help

Show the help message of any action

-v, --verbose

Verbosity level (-v for verbose, -vv for advanced, -vvv for debug)

-q, --quiet

Show no information at all

-k, --insecure

Allow insecure server connections for web requests, e.g. when fetching info from DockerHub (default: Secure)


Run exegol in offline mode, no request will be made on internet (default: Disable)

--arch {arm64,amd64}

Overwrite default image architecture (default: host’s arch)

Command examples

# Print containers and images essentials information:
exegol info

# Print the detailed configuration of the "demo" container:
exegol info demo

# Print verbose information:
exegol info -v

# Print advanced information:
exegol info -vv

# Print debug information:
exegol info -vvv